"Vendée Globe. Madintec's automatic Autopilot steered 99% of the Vendée Globe... and won!"

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Associated boat(s)
Vendée Globe winner Yannick Bestaven's Maître CoQ IV, second-placed Charlie Dalin's Apivia, and the boats of Thomas Ruyant and Giancarlo Pedote were equipped with MADBrain automatic Autopilot ,

"Vendée Globe winner Yannick Bestaven's Maître CoQ IV, runner-up Charlie Dalin's Apivia, and the boats of Thomas Ruyant and Giancarlo Pedote were equipped with MADBrain automatic Autopilot , designed and developed "made in France" in La Rochelle and Lorient by Madintec scientists. We interviewed Matthieu Robert, founder of Madintec." [...]

See the article on Voiles & Voiliers

Read more: https://bit.ly/3kr5IeE